One war waged against one man: RAMBO. First came the man: a young wanderer in a fatigue coat and long hair. Then came the legend, as John Rambo sprang from the pages of FIRST BLOOD to take his place on the world's cultural landscape. This remarkable novel pits a young, disillusioned and ragged Vietnam veteran against …

The Fifth Profession is a 1990 novel by David Morrell. It features the characters Savage and Akira, executive protectors – "no mere bodyguard[s] but... state-of-the-art defender[s]", an occupation also known as the "fifth profession". Savage and Akira meet − seemingly for the first time − by Savage being dispatched by …

On a cold October night, five people gather in a run-down motel on the Jersey shore and prepare to break into the Paragon Hotel. The once-magnificent structure is now boarded up and marked for demolition.They are creepers”: urban explorers with a passion for investigating abandoned buildings and their dying secrets. …