Razum i osjećaji prvi je objavljeni roman Jane Austen, jedne od najpoznatijih britanskih spisateljica. Izdala ga je pod pseudonimom 1811. godine. Kao i ostala njena djela doživio je nekoliko filmskih adaptacija. Protagonistice su priče sestre Elinor i Marianne, koje se svaka na svoj način bore protiv životnih nedaća - …

If you love Julia Quinn's Bridgerton, Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice you'll fall head over heels for Sanditon! A novelisation of ITV's lavish period drama, Sanditon, adapted for television by Emmy and BAFTA-Award winning writer Andrew Davies and based on Jane Austen's unfinished novel.When a chance accident …

Introduction by A. S. Byatt. The first-ever full-color facsimile edition of one of Jane Austen's early works, with delightful portraits painted by her sister Cassandra, followed by a transcribed version of the text. Sixteen-year-old Jane describes herself as "a partial, prejudiced, and ignorant historian," and her …

Left impoverished upon the death of her aunt, Emma Watson has no option but to be reunited with her estranged father and siblings. Initially delighted with her new life—including the fashionable society balls to which she now has access—Emma soon realizes that her family harbors many ill feelings, not least those …