First published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is regarded as Jack London's masterpiece. Based on London's experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness and his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence, The Call of the Wild is a tale about unbreakable spirit and the fight for survival in the …

The Sea-Wolf is a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American novelist Jack London about a literary critic, survivor of an ocean collision, who comes under the dominance of Wolf Larsen, the powerful and amoral sea captain who rescues him. Its first printing of forty thousand copies was immediately sold out before …

Мартін Іден — роман американського письменника Джека Лондона 1909 року про молодого моряка, який намагається стати письменником для того, щоб змінити свою класову приналежність і заслужити любов дівчини. Добившись світового визнання він розчаровується в коханні, грошах та людях які його …

«Залізна п'ята» — роман-антиутопія американського письменника Джека Лондона. Випущений у світ в 1908 році видавництвом «Макміллан». За сюжетом, роман являє собою автобіографічну рукопис американської революціонерки XX століття Евіс Евергард, знайдену лише в XXVII столітті, в епоху Братства Людей. Передмова і всі …

The Call of the Wild is Now a Major Motion Picture Starring Harrison Ford! Out of the white wilderness, out of the Far North, Jack London, one of America’s most popular authors, drew the inspiration for his robust tales of perilous adventure and animal cunning. Swiftly paced and vividly written, the novel and five …

Before Adam is a novel by Jack London, serialized in 1906 and 1907 in Everybody's Magazine. It is the story of a boy who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid Australopithecine. The story offers an early view of human evolution. The majority of the story is told through the eyes of the boy's hominid alter ego, …

The Assassination Bureau, Ltd is a thriller novel, begun by Jack London and finished after his death by Robert L. Fish. It was published in 1963. The plot follows Ivan Dragomiloff, who, in a twist of fate, finds himself pitted against the secret assassination agency he founded. The novel was based on a story idea …

South Sea Tales (1911) is a collection of short stories written by Jack London. Most stories are set in island communities, like those of Hawaii, or are set aboard a ship.

The Road is an autobiographical memoir by Jack London, first published in 1907. It is London's account of his experiences as a hobo in the 1890s, during the worst economic depression the United States had experienced up to that time. He describes his experiences hopping freight trains, "holding down" a train when the …