The masterpiece of Joseph Conrad’s later years, the autobiographical short novel The Shadow-Line depicts a young man at a crossroads in his life, facing a desperate crisis that marks the “shadow-line” between youth and maturity.This brief but intense story is a dramatically fictionalized account of Conrad’s first …
"The Secret Sharer" is a short story by Joseph Conrad written in 1909, first published in Harper's Magazine in 1910, and as a book in the short-story collection Twixt Land and Sea. The story was filmed as a segment of the 1952 film Face to Face. The Secret Sharer was adapted to a one-act play in 1969 by C. R. Wobbe. …
Mörkrets hjärta är en kortroman skriven på engelska av den polsk-brittiska författaren Joseph Conrad. Den gavs ut som bok 1902, men publicerades redan 1899 i tre delar i tidskriften Blackwood's Magazine. Boken handlar om hur människan kan slita sig loss från de moraliska värderingar hon skulle haft i en viss miljö och …
Mörkrets hjärta är en kortroman skriven på engelska av den polsk-brittiska författaren Joseph Conrad. Den gavs ut som bok 1902, men publicerades redan 1899 i tre delar i tidskriften Blackwood's Magazine. Boken handlar om hur människan kan slita sig loss från de moraliska värderingar hon skulle haft i en viss miljö och …
Victory is a psychological novel by Joseph Conrad first published in 1915, through which Conrad achieved "popular success." The New York Times, however, called it "an uneven book" and "more open to criticism than most of Mr. Conrad's best work." The novel's "most striking formal characteristic is its shifting …
Mörkrets hjärta är en kortroman skriven på engelska av den polsk-brittiska författaren Joseph Conrad. Den gavs ut som bok 1902, men publicerades redan 1899 i tre delar i tidskriften Blackwood's Magazine. Boken handlar om hur människan kan slita sig loss från de moraliska värderingar hon skulle haft i en viss miljö och …
Set in the fictional South American country of Costaguana, Nostromo explores the volatile politics and crippling greed surrounding the San Tome silver mine. This story of power, love, revolution, loyalty and reward is told with richly evocative description and brilliantly realised characters. But Nostromo is more than …
The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale is a novel by Joseph Conrad, published in 1907. The story is set in London in 1886 and deals with Mr. Verloc and his work as a spy for an unnamed country.The Secret Agent is notable for being one of Conrad's later political novels. In these later novels, Conrad has moved away from his …