England, England is a satirical postmodern novel by Julian Barnes, published and shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1998. While researchers have also pointed out the novel's characteristic dystopian and farcical elements, Barnes himself described the novel as a 'semi-farce'. England, England broaches the idea of …
Flaubert's Parrot is a novel by Julian Barnes that was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1984 and won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize the following year. The novel recites amateur Gustave Flaubert expert Geoffrey Braithwaite's musings on his subject's life, and his own, as he looks for a stuffed parrot that …
Flaubert's Parrot is a novel by Julian Barnes that was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1984 and won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize the following year. The novel recites amateur Gustave Flaubert expert Geoffrey Braithwaite's musings on his subject's life, and his own, as he looks for a stuffed parrot that …
Love, etc is a novel by Julian Barnes published in 2000, although it is also the title of a French film based on his earlier novel Talking it Over.
Metroland Julian Barnes'ın ilk romanıdır. 1980'de İngilizce olarak yayınlanan bu roman ile Barnes 1981 yılında Somerset Maugham ödülünü kazanmıştır. Roman, baş karakteri olan Christopher Lloyd'un Londra'nın banliyölerinde geçirdiği ergenlik günlerini, Paris'teki üniversite yıllarını ve evliliğinin ilk zamanlarını konu …