«І сходить сонце» — роман Ернеста Хемінгуея, написаний в 1926 році. Заснований на реальних подіях, які відбувалися в житті автора.

«І сходить сонце» — роман Ернеста Хемінгуея, написаний в 1926 році. Заснований на реальних подіях, які відбувалися в житті автора.

Across the River and Into the Trees is a novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway, published by Charles Scribner's Sons in September 1950, first serialized in Cosmopolitan magazine. The title is derived from the last words of U.S. Civil War Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson, “Let us cross over the river and rest …

Green Hills of Africa is a 1935 work of nonfiction written by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's second work of nonfiction, Green Hills of Africa is an account of a month on safari he and his wife, Pauline Marie Pfeiffer, took in East Africa during December 1933. Green Hills of Africa is divided into four parts: "Pursuit …