"The Tale of the Unknown Island" is a short story by Portuguese author José Saramago. It was published in Portuguese in 1997, and English in 1999.
The Elephant's Journey is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning author José Saramago. It was first published in 2008 with an English translation in 2010.
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis is a 1984 novel by Portuguese novelist José Saramago, the winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in literature. It tells the story of the final year in the life of the title character, Ricardo Reis, one of the many heteronyms used by the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa. In the novel, …
The History of the Siege of Lisbon is a novel by Portuguese author José Saramago, first published in 1989. It tells the story of a proofreader and the story of the Siege of Lisbon as it both is and is not told in the book he is charged with correcting. It discusses many themes including language, history and …
«Каменный плот» — роман лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе португальского писателя Жозе Сарамагу. Впервые опубликован на португальском языке в 1986 г., а в 1994 г. был переведён на английский. Сюжет романа является фантасмагорией: он основан на том, что Иберийский полуостров отрывается от европейского …
«Воспоминание о монастыре» — роман Жозе Сарамаго. Книга повествует о любви ветерана-калеки Балтазара Семь Солнц и ведуньи Блимунды Семь Лун, разворачивающейся на фоне эпического строительства монастыря в Мафре в первой половине XVIII в. Обрисовав удручающее положение простонародья в позднефеодальной Португалии с …
The inspiration for the major motion picture "Enemy" starring Jake Gyllenhaal and directed by Denis Villeneuve Tertuliano Máximo Afonso is a divorced, depressed history teacher. To lift his spirits, a colleague suggests he rent a certain video. Tertuliano watches the film, unimpressed. But during the night, when he is …
An old potter, his daughter and her son-in-law, after a crisis in the artisan industry, undertake a new strategy in their sales then of them depend not to be absorbed by the great city that grow excessive near its rustic town simultaneously, martial, the son-in-law, employee like permanent watchman of the commercial …
Seeing is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning Portuguese author José Saramago. It was published in Portuguese in 2004 and in English in 2006. It is a sequel to one of his most famous works, Blindness.
«Евангелие от Иисуса» — роман Жозе Сарамаго. Роман рассказывает о жизни Иисуса Христа как о жизни обычного человека. Особое внимание уделено деталям, которых нет в традиционных евангелиях — семье Марии и Иосифа, юности Иисуса. В романе раскрываются прежде всего человеческие качества Иисуса, его «земная» сторона. …