Kiinalaisen koettelemukset on Jules Vernen romaani joka sijoittuu Kiinaan. Elämästä ja sen iloista erkaantunut Kin Fo joutuu konkurssiin ja pyytää hyvän ystävänsä Wangin murhaamaan itsensä. Ensin hän tekee vakuutuksen joka kattaa kaikki kuolintavat, myös itsemurhan, ja maksaa ensimmäisen kolme kuukautta viimeisillä …

In this sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, Barbicane, Ardan, and Nicholl have decided to take a trip around the moon. But first they have to get to the moon from Earth. Will their trip succeed as they attempt to dodge asteroids and realize that the scientists on Earth have miscalculated their trajectory towards the …

The Chase of the Golden Meteor is a novel by Jules Verne. It was one of the last novels written by the prolific French hard science fiction pioneer and was only published in 1908, three years after his death. It is one of seven such posthumous novels, many of which were extensively edited by his son. Verne himself …