Člověk bez osudu je román Imreho Kertésze z roku 1975. Hlavním hrdinou románu je György [děrď], kterému je patnáct let. Děj se odehrává ve 40. letech v Maďarsku. György jde do školy, aby oznámil svému učiteli, že nepřijde, protože jeho otec dostal předvolání do koncentračního tábora. Učitel mlčky souhlasí a György se …

Imre Kert?sz’s savagely lyrical and suspenseful new novel traces the continuing echoes the Holocaust and communism in the consciousness of contemporary Eastern Europe.Ten years after the fall of communism, a writer named B. commits suicide, devastating his circle and deeply puzzling his friend Kingsbitter. For among …

Kaddish for an Unborn Child is a novel by Imre Kertész, first published in 1990. The novel deals with the struggles of a Holocaust survivor after the war, explaining to a friend why he cannot bring a child into a world that could allow such atrocities to happen. The book also deals with the narrator's failed marriage, …