Pub Date: 2014-04-22 Pages: 416 Language: English Publisher: HarperCollins Maya's Notebook is a startling novel of suspense from New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende This contemporary coming-of-age story centers upon Maya Vidal. a remarkable teenager. abandoned by her parents. Maya grew up in a rambling …

"Listen, Paula. I am going to tell you a story so that when you wake up you will not feel so lost." So says Chilean writer Isabel Allende (The House of the Spirits) in the opening lines of the luminous, heart-rending memoir she wrote while her 28-year-old daughter Paula lay in a coma. In its pages, she ushers an …

Petojen kaupunki on chileläisen, Yhdysvalloissa asuvan Isabel Allenden vuonna 2002 julkaisema nuorten seikkailuromaani. Kirja kertoo Alexander Cold -nimisestä pojasta, joka lähtee tutkimusmatkailija-isoäitinsä Kate Coldin kanssa etsimään salaperäisiä petoja Amazonian sademetsästä. Petojen kaupunki on Allenden …

Beautiful and headstrong, Irene Beltrán works as a magazine journalist—a profession that belies her privileged upbringing and her engagement to an army captain. Her investigative partner is photographer Francisco Leal, the son of impoverished Spanish Marxist émigrés. Together, they form an unlikely but inseparable …