Second Foundation is the third novel published of the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov, and the fifth in the in-universe chronology. It was first published in 1953 by Gnome Press. Second Foundation consists of two previously published novellas originally published in appearing in Astounding Magazine between 1948 and …
The Foundation, a colony of psychologists, battles for supreme power in the galaxy, while also struggling to preserve all the accumulated knowledge of humankind in The Foundation, a sanctuary created by Hari Seldon. Reader's Guide available. Reissue.Title: Foundation and Empire Author: Asimov, Isaac Publisher: Random …
أنا، روبوت هي مجموعة قصص خيال علمي من تأليف إسحاق أسيموف نشرت الطبعة الأولى منها 5000 في نسخة. نشرت هذه القصص لأول في المجلتين الأمريكيتين سوبر ساينس فيكشن ستوريز وأستاوندنج ساسنس فيكشن ما بين الأعوام 1940 و1950. رغم أنه يمكن قراءة القصص بشكل منفصل فإنها تتشارك في شخصياتها وموضوعاتها حول أخلاقية الروبوتات وعند جمعها …
For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme Now it is dying But only Hari Sheldon creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory can see into the futureto a dark age of ignorance barbarism and warfare that will last thirty thousand years To preserve knowledge and save mankind Seldon gathers …