Lucky You is a 1997 novel by Carl Hiaasen. It is set in Florida, and is based around JoLayne Lucks, a black woman who is one of two winners of a lottery. The book parodies paranoid militia movement groups that believe in somewhat bizarre conspiracy theories. It also takes a satiric look at vendors in the fictional …
"Good, mean fun...A twisting, high-speed ride on a roller coaster without brakes."SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Somebody wants Mick Stranahan dead, and the list of possible players is long: the plastic surgeon with the extremely shaky hands, the sleazy lawyer who advertises, the TV host whose taste for sensationalism is …
Scat is a teenage novel by Carl Hiaasen, published in 2009. Scat tells the mystery of a missing teacher named Mrs. Bunny Starch, and how two of her students, Nick Waters and Marta Gonzalez, do everything they can to find her. The book is available in over 1,000 libraries. Carl Hiaasen is the author of other notable …
With the help of an eccentric ex-governor, a teenaged boy searches for his missing cousin in the Florida wilds.
Marine biologist Chaz Perrone can't tell a sea horse from a sawhorse. And when he throws his beautiful wife, Joey, off a cruise liner, he really should know better. An expert swimmer, Joey makes her way to a floating bale of Jamaican pot-and then to an island inhabited by an ex-cop named Mick Stranahan, whose ex-wives …