image of Кристофер Прист

Кристофер Прист

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The Separation is a 2002 novel by Christopher Priest. It is an alternate history revolving around the experiences of identical twin brothers during the Second World War, during which one becomes a pilot for the RAF, and the other, a conscientious objector, becomes an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. The author …

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The Space Machine, subtitled A Scientific Romance, is a science fiction novel written by English writer Christopher Priest. First published in 1976, it follows the travels of protagonists Edward Turnbull and Amelia Fitzgibbon. The pair is dropped on the surface of Mars prior to the Martian invasion of Earth that forms …

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«Опрокинутый мир» — научно-фантастический роман Кристофера Приста, впервые изданный в 1974 году. Частично основан на одноимённом рассказе, опубликованном в журнале New Writings in SF 22 в 1973 …