image of Christopher Paolini

Christopher Paolini

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Inheritance is the fourth novel in the Inheritance Cycle written by American author Christopher Paolini. The Inheritance Cycle was originally intended to be a trilogy, but Paolini has stated that during writing, the length of Brisingr grew, and the book was split into two parts to be published separately. Because of …

... Unknown

Perfect for fans of Lord of the Rings, the New York Times bestselling Inheritance Cycle about the dragon rider Eragon has sold over 35 million copies and is an international fantasy sensation.Oaths sworn . . . loyalties tested . . . forces collide. Following the colossal battle against the Empire’s warriors on the …

... Unknown

Najstarejši je drugi roman iz trilogije Dediščina, ki jo je ustvaril Christopher Paolini.

... Unknown

Eragon je fantazijski roman ameriškega pisatelja Christopherja Paolinija, ki je prvič izšel leta 2003. Je prvi del cikla Dediščina. Po njem so leta 2006 posneli istoimenski film.