A stirring account of America's vanished past... The book that earned Mark Twain his first recognition as a serious writer... Discover the magic of life on the Mississippi. At once a romantic history of a mighty river, an autobiographical account of Mark Twain's early steamboat days, and a storehouse of humorous …
The Innocents Abroad is one of the most prominent and influential travel books ever written about Europe and the Holy Land. In it, the collision of the American “New Barbarians” and the European “Old World” provides much comic fodder for Mark Twain—and a remarkably perceptive lens on the human condition. Gleefully …
At the beginning of Pudd'nhead Wilson a young slave woman, fearing for her infant's son's life, exchanges her light-skinned child with her master's. From this rather simple premise Mark Twain fashioned one of his most entertaining, funny, yet biting novels. On its surface, Pudd'nhead Wilson possesses all the elements …
『王子と乞食』は、アメリカの作家マーク・トウェインが1881年に発表した児童文学作品である。16世紀のイングランドを舞台に、実在の若き国王エドワード6世を主人公とした冒険譚で、トウェインはこの作品を通して、子どもの視点で16世紀のイングランドの世情を痛烈に皮肉った。なお、題名の「乞食」が差別用語に当たるとして、近年の日本語訳では「こじき」と平仮名表記したり、『王子と少年』としたりする例も存在する。1899年巌谷小波らにより『乞食王子』の邦題で文武堂から、1927年村岡花子により『王子と乞食』の邦題で平凡社から公刊された。 …
Along with Blake and Dickens, Mark Twain was one of the nineteenth century’s greatest chroniclers of childhood. These two novels reveal different aspects of his genius: Tom Sawyer is a much-loved story about the sheer pleasure of being a boy; Huckleberry Finn, the book Hemingway said was the source of all the American …