JESS MASTRIANIwas on vacation when Amber went missing. Most people blame Jess for Amber's brutal slaying, but how could Jess -- even with her psychic ability to find anyone, anywhere -- have stopped the cheerleader from turning up dead, without having known she was even missing?When yet another cheerleader disappears, …
JESS MASTRIANI Knew she wasn't going to be able to hide her psychic powers from the U.S. government forever. But she never thought that she and Dr. Krantz, the special agent brought in to convince Jess to join his elite team of "specially gifted" crime solvers, would have something in common. When a local boy's …
Shadowland é o primeiro livro da série A Mediadora, escrito por Meg Cabot e publicado em 2000. Houve boatos que exitiria o filme da série, mas nada confirmado.
After dallying with sexy vampires and ingeniously reinterpreting the Dracula legend (Insatiable, Overbite), #1 New York Times bestseller Meg Cabot is ready to rock ’n’ roll once more with Heather Wells. The un-petite assistant New York City college dorm director and sometime sleuth is back in Size 12 and Ready to …