The most celebrated and controversial French novelist of our time now delivers his magnum opus—about art and money, love and friendship and death, fathers and sons. The Map and the Territory is the story of an artist, Jed Martin, and his family and lovers and friends, the arc of his entire history rendered with …
Realising that his New Year is probably going to be a disaster, as usual, our narrator, on impulse, walks into a travel agency to book a week in the sun. Sensitive to his limited means and dislike of Muslim countries, the travel agent suggests an island full of 21st century hedonism, set in a bizarre lunar landscape - …
Platforma je roman čiji je autor francuski pisac Michel Houellebecq. Objavljen je 2001. godine, a ima oko 300 stranica. Podijeljen je na tri dijela. U prvom dijelu romana upoznajemo protagonista, 40-godišnjeg Michela, koji radi u Ministarstvu kulture. Živi u Parizu, ali kada saznaje da mu je otac umro, odlazi u mjesto …