The Genius and the Goddess is a novel by Aldous Huxley. It was published by Chatto & Windus in the UK and by Harper & Row in the US. It is the fictional account of John Rivers, a student physicist in the 1920s who was hired out of college as a laboratory assistant to Henry Maartens.
The Doors of Perception is a short book by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1954, detailing his experiences when taking mescaline. The book takes the form of Huxley's recollection of a mescaline trip that took place over the course of an afternoon, and takes its title from a phrase in William Blake's 1793 poem The …
The Devils of Loudun is a 1952 non-fiction novel by Aldous Huxley. It is a historical narrative of supposed demonic possession, religious fanaticism, sexual repression, and mass hysteria which occurred in seventeenth-century France surrounding unexplained events that took place in the small town of Loudun. It centers …
The Crows of Pearblossom is a children's book written by Aldous Huxley, the English novelist, essayist and critic. The story was published by Random House and illustrated by Barbara Cooney. A more recent picture book version was illustrated by Sophie Blackall and published by Abrams Books for Young Readers.
Aldous Huxley, dunya edebiyatinda "dusunce edebiyati" denen turun baslaticilarindandir. Huxley, koyunlarin tiroid guddelerinden Kizilderililerin totemlerine, fosforun yeryuzunden eksilmesinden Mozart muziginin en ince ayrintilarina kadar bircok konuda bilgi sahibi bir yazardir. Boyle bir yazarin romanlarinda, …