Earthborn is the concluding fifth book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.
Earthfall is the fourth book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.
El joc de l'Ender és la novel·la més coneguda d'Orson Scott Card. Va aconseguir els dos premis més prestigiosos de la ciència-ficció: el Premi Nebula a la millor novel·la el 1985 i el Premi Hugo a la millor novel·la el 1986. La novel·la es va originar com un conte de ciència-ficció a Analog Magazine. Està ambientada …
Empire is a speculative fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. It tells the story of a possible second American Civil War, this time between the Right Wing and Left Wing in the near future. It is the first of the two books in The Empire duet, followed by Hidden Empire with the video game Shadow Complex bridging the two.
Enchantment is an English language fantasy novel written by Orson Scott Card. First published in 1999, the novel is based on the Russian version of Sleeping Beauty and other folk tales. Various forms of magic, potions, and immortal deities also play an important role in the story.
First Meetings is a collection of Orson Scott Card's short stories from the Ender's Game series. Tor Books republished the book in 2003 under the titles First Meetings in the Enderverse and First Meetings in Ender's Universe and included the more recent "Teacher's Pest", a story about the first meeting of Ender's …