image of O. Henry

O. Henry

... Unknown

Darilo treh kraljev je kratka zgodba ameriškega pisatelja O. Henryja. Zgodba govori o mladem poročenem paru, ženski in moškem, ki se spopadeta z izzivom iskanja skrivnega božičnega darila za partnerja, čeprav imata za nakup na voljo zelo malo denarja. Zgodba je zaradi svoje sentimentalnosti in moralnega poduka o …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Cabbages and Kings is a 1904 novel written by O.Henry, set in a fictitious Central American country called the Republic of Anchuria. It takes its title from the poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter", featured in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass. Its plot contains famous elements in the poem: shoes and ships and …