«Песня Сван» — постапокалиптический роман, написанный в 1987 году американским писателем Робертом Р. Маккаммоном. В 1988 году книга удостоена Премии Брэма Стокера в номинации «лучший …

«Жизнь мальчишки» — бестселлер американского писателя Роберта Рика Маккаммона, увидевший свет в 1991 году. В том же году роману была присуждена Премия Брэма Стокера, а в 1992 году — Всемирная премия фэнтези в номинации «лучший роман». Действие разворачивается в Америке начала 1960-х годов, на фоне многочисленных …

The Wolf's Hour is a 1989 World War II adventure novel with a twist by Robert R. McCammon. A British secret agent goes behind German lines to stop a secret weapon from being launched against the Allies. The twist is that this agent is a werewolf. The book also includes some of the agent's history, namely how he became …

They Thirst is a horror novel by Robert R. McCammon, first published in 1981 and republished in 1991 in hardback. The book details the relentless possession of Los Angeles by vampires, who quickly transform the city into a necropolis with the intent to conquer the entire world. Plans to create a TV movie were …

Mine is a novel written by American author Robert R. McCammon. It won the 1990 Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel.

Masterful and macabre short fiction from the New York Times–bestselling author of Swan Song. Father John has lived his whole life without knowing a woman’s touch. Hard at first, his self-denial grew easier over time, as he learned to master his urges with a regimen of prayer, cold showers, and jigsaw puzzles. That …