image of Simon Scarrow

Simon Scarrow

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Under the Eagle is the first book in the Eagle Series, by Simon Scarrow and is his début novel. It starts on the Rhine Frontier in 42, and centres on Quintus Lucinius Cato, a newly appointed Optio, and his commanding Centurion Macro.

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Roma vincit! és el segon llibre de la sèrie Àguila, de Simon Scarrow. Aquesta saga narra les peripècies d'un legionari nomenat Cato i el seu col·lega el centurió Macro en les legions de l'Imperi Romà a mitjans del segle I d.C.

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Well-paced and intricately plotted, When the Eagle Hunts is a brazen tale of military adventure, political intrigue, and a suicide mission. Is the unflinching courage of the Roman army a match for the ruthless barbarity of the British tribes? In the bitter winter of a.d. 44, the Roman troops in Britain are impatiently …

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The Eagle and The Wolves is a 2003 novel by Simon Scarrow, the fourth book in the Eagle Series where main characters Macro and Cato command two cohorts of soldiers made up of warriors and nobles from the Atrebatan kingdom. This book follows their adventures in 44 AD during the occupation of Britain by Rome and …

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It is over a year since the Roman army landed on the shores of Britain. The savage warriors of the barbarian leader Caratacus continue to torment the legions. Emperor Claudius needs a victory to make his position safe. As the Romans gather on the eve of the battle they are confident that a final, decisive, blow will …

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It is spring ad 45 in Rome, and Centurions Macro and Cato, dismissed from the Second Legion in Britain, are waiting for an investigation into their involvement in the death of a fellow officer. It is then that the imperial secretary, the devious Narcissus, makes them an offer they can’t refuse: to rescue an imperial …

... Unknown

Trouble is brewing in Syria, on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire. With the troops in a deplorable state, centurions Macro and Cato are despatched to restore the competence of the cohort. But another challenge faces them as, Bannus, a local tribesman, is brewing up trouble and preaching violent opposition to …

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Centurion is a historical fiction novel written by Simon Scarrow, published by Headline Book Publishing in 2007. It is book 8 in the Eagle series, continuing Macro and Cato's adventures in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire that began in The Eagle in the Sand.

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Young Bloods is the first volume in Simon Scarrow's Revolution quartet, which narrates mostly in alternate chapters, the story of a young Anglo-Irish nobleman Arthur Wesley and the Corsican cadet Naboleone Buonaparte.