De plaagzusters is een fantasy boek uit de Schijfwereld serie van de Britse schrijver Terry Pratchett uit 1988.

De plaagzusters is een fantasy boek uit de Schijfwereld serie van de Britse schrijver Terry Pratchett uit 1988.

A new stage adaptation of one of Pratchett's best-selling novelsCommander Vimes is sent to wild, wintry and Transylvania-like Uberwald to establish trade links with the King of the Dwarfs but he ends up trying to stop and inter-species war. On his side though, is a talking dog, a reformed vampyre and a self-made man. …

The first in a series of Discworld novels starring the young witch Tiffany Aching.A nightmarish danger threatens from the other side of reality. . . .Armed with only a frying pan and her common sense, young witch-to-be Tiffany Aching must defend her home against the monsters of Fairyland. Luckily she has some very …

De Waarheid is het 25e boek uit de schijfwereld-serie, geschreven door Terry Pratchett. Het boek is voor het eerst verschenen in 2000, en de oorspronkelijke titel was 'The Truth'.

Everybody wants more time, which is why on Discworld only the experts can manage it -- the venerable Monks of History who store it and pump it from where it's wasted, like underwater (how much time does a codfish really need?), to places like cities, where busy denizens lament, "Oh where does the time go?" While …