The Dark Side of the Sun is a science fiction novel by Terry Pratchett, first published in 1976. It is similar to the work of Isaac Asimov. According to Don D'Ammassa, both this and Pratchett's 1981 sci-fi novel Strata spoof parts of Larry Niven's Ringworld. The holiday of Hogswatch, which appears in the Discworld …

Koule - Věda na Zeměploše je pokračováním knihy Věda na Zeměploše, a stejně jako ona kombinuje zeměplošský pohled na svět s pohledem soudobé vědy na náš vesmír, vývoj lidstva, filosofii, vědu a náboženství. Autory jsou Terry Pratchett, Iann Stewart a Jack Cohen, kniha vyšla v roce 2002, česky v roce 2006 v překladu …

The Unadulterated Cat by Terry Pratchett, illustrated by Gray Jolliffe, is a book written to promote what Pratchett terms the 'Real Cat', a cat who urinates in the flowerbeds, rips up the furniture, and eats frogs, mice and sundry other small animals. The opposite of the Real Cat is the 'Fizzy Keg Cat', a well-behaved …

Johnny and the Bomb is a 1996 novel by Terry Pratchett. It is the third novel to feature Johnny Maxwell and his friends, and deals with the rules and consequences of time travel. The first two novels in the Johnny Maxwell Trilogy are Only You Can Save Mankind and Johnny and the Dead. The action of the novel revolves …

The Art of Discworld is a descriptive book of the world of the Discworld as portrayed in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. It showcases the art of Paul Kidby with descriptions of characters and locations by Pratchett and some details of the development of the art by Kidby himself. The book details most major lead …

Darwinovy hodinky - Věda na Zeměploše je třetím pokračováním populárně-naučné série knih, která kombinuje vědu a fantasy svět Zeměplochy. Jedná se tak o přímé pokračování knih Věda na Zeměploše a Koule - Věda na Zeměploše. I tentokrát jde o kombinaci zeměplošského pohledu na svět s pohledem soudobé vědy v tématech …

The Discworld Companion is an encyclopaedia of the Discworld fictional universe created by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs. The book compiles a precise definition of words, lives of historical people, geography of places and events that have appeared in at least one Discworld novel, map, diary, non-fiction book and …