This beautiful new edition features an eyeopening Afterword written by Tappan Wilder that includes Thornton Wilder's unpublished notes and other illuminating photographs and documentary material.Our Town was first produced and published in 1938 to wide acclaim. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama of life in the small …

The Bridge of San Luis Rey opens in the aftermath of an inexplicable tragedy--a tiny foot-bridge in Peru breaks, and five people hurtle to their deaths. For Brother Juniper, a humble monk who witnesses the catastrophe, the question in inescapable. Why those five? Suddenly, Brother Juniper is committed to discover what …

אידי מארס הוא רומן אפיסטולרי שנכתב בידי ת'ורנטון ויילדר, ויצא לאור באנגליה ב-1948. הספר יצא בישראל בתרגומו של יאיר בורלא לראשונה ב-1953 בשם "אגרות רומיות" בהוצאת עם עובד, וב-1988 בשם "אידי מארס" בהוצאת זמורה ביתן. הרומן הוא, במילותיו של ויילדר, "פנטסיה על מאורעות ואנשים מסוימים מתקופת ימיה האחרונים של הרפובליקה …

The Eighth Day is a 1967 novel by Thornton Wilder. Set in a mining town in southern Illinois, the plot revolved around John Barrington Ashley, who is accused of murdering his neighbor Breckenridge Lansing. The novel was written over the course of twenty months while Wilder was living alone in Douglas, Arizona. The …

Cualquier vida es tragica en la medida en que lo permite quien la vive. Publicada en 1973, Theophilus North fue la ultima gran obra de Thornton Wilder, que doto a su personaje de su propia y excentrica personalidad y recobro con ella algunos episodios de su juventud. El joven graduado en Yale Teophilus North emprende …

The Skin of Our Teeth is a play by Thornton Wilder which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It opened on October 15, 1942 at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, Connecticut, before moving to the Plymouth Theatre on Broadway on November 18, 1942. It was produced by Michael Myerberg and directed by Elia Kazan. The play is …

Drawing on such unique sources as the author's unpublished letters, business records, and obscure family recollections, Tappan Wilder's Afterword adds a special dimension to the reissue of this hilarious tale about goodness in a fallen world.Meet George Marvin Brush—Don Quixote come to Main Street in the Great …