Something Cloudy, Something Clear is an autobiographical play by Tennessee Williams that was originally written in 1941 as a short play titled The Parade, or Approaching the End of a Summer, which was produced posthumously in Provincetown in 2006. In 1962, Williams retitled and expanded The Parade into a full-length …
De quel secret Catherine semble-t-elle prisonnière, depuis ce terrible drame de l'été dernier ? Et pourquoi sa tante veut-elle à tout prix s'assurer de son silence ? Au cœur d'une famille dévorée par la folie, les tabous et la rage, les personnages de Tennessee Williams se débattent jusqu'au vertige, allant chercher …
Spring Storm is a 1937 play written by American playwright Tennessee Williams. Tennessee Williams wrote Spring Storm when he was twenty-six years old, in 1937, while studying as an apprentice. Spring Storm received poor reviews in Williams’s playwriting course, and it did not receive its first production until 1995 in …
Stairs to the Roof is a play by Tennessee Williams, the last of his apprentice plays. It was completed in December 1941, and premiered at the Pasadena Playhouse on February 26, 1947. The play is based on earlier stories written by Williams, including "The Swan" and most specifically, one of the same title written in …