„Kopa“ – Frenko Herberto mokslinės fantastikos romanas, išleistas 1965 m. „Kopa“ gavo Hugo ir Nebula apdovanojimus ir yra viena garsiausių visų laikų mokslinės fantastikos knygų. Romanas sulaukė penkių tęsinių ir dviejų ekranizacijų, televizijos miniserialo, kompiuterinių žaidimų ir F. Herberto sūnaus Brian'o bei …

Book Two in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All TimeDune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better known—and feared—as the man christened Muad’Dib. As Emperor of the Known Universe, he possesses more power than a single man was ever meant to wield. Worshipped as …

The epic that began with the HUGO and NEBULA Award-winning classic DUNE continues ...The sand-blasted world of Arrakis has become green, watered and fertile. Old Paul Atreides, who led the desert Fremen to political and religious domination of the galaxy, is gone. But for the children of Dune, the very blossoming of …

The epic that began with the HUGO and NEBULA Award-winning classic DUNE continues ...More than three thousand years have passed since the first events recorded in DUNE. Only one link survives with those tumultuous times: the grotesque figure of Leto Atreides, son of the prophet Paul Muad'Dib, and now the virtually …

With more than ten million copies sold, Frank Herbert's magnificent Dune books stand among the major achievements of the human imagination. In this, the fifth and most spectacular Dune book of all, the planet Arrakis--now called Rakis--is becoming desert again. The Lost Ones are returning home from the far reaches of …

Chapterhouse: Dune is a 1985 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, the last in his Dune series of six novels. It rose to #2 on The New York Times Best Seller list. A direct followup to Heretics of Dune, the novel chronicles the continued struggles of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood against the violent Honored Matres, …

The Dosadi Experiment is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert. It is the second full-length novel set in the ConSentiency universe established by Herbert in his novelette The Tactful Saboteur and continued in Whipping Star.

The Jesus Incident is the second science fiction novel set in the Destination: Void universe by the American author Frank Herbert and poet Bill Ransom. It is a sequel to Destination: Void, and has two sequels: The Lazarus Effect and The Ascension Factor.