Angry Candy is a 1988 collection of short stories by Harlan Ellison that is loosely organized around the theme of death. The title comes the last line of the poem "the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls" by E. E. Cummings, "...the/ moon rattles like a fragment of angry candy." The collection contains the …
Det tysta ropet refererar både till en science fiction-novell skriven av Harlan Ellison, och titeln på en samling noveller författade av Ellison. Novellen vann Hugopriset för bästa novell 1968.
Deathbird Stories: A Pantheon of Modern Gods is a 1975 collection of short stories written by Harlan Ellison over a period of ten years; the stories address the theme of modern-day "deities" that have replaced the older, more traditional ones. The collection, with its satirical, skeptical tone, is widely considered …