image of Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami

* January 12, 1949 in Japan
... Unknown

From the bestselling author of Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicles comes this superb collection of twenty-four stories that generously expresses Murakami’s mastery of the form. From the surreal to the mundane, these stories exhibit his ability to transform the full range of human experience in ways …

... Unknown

Despietat país de les meravelles i la Fi del Món és una novel·la de l'escriptor japonès Haruki Murakami publicada originalment l'any 1985. La primera edició catalana aparegué el novembre del 2009, publicada per Editorial Empúries.

... Unknown

You've just passed someone on the street who could be the love of your life, the person you're destined for - what do you do? In Murakami's world, you tell them a story. The five weird and wonderful tales collected here each unlock the many-tongued language of desire, whether it takes the form of hunger, lust, sudden …