For nearly a century, the original version of Upton Sinclair's classic novel has remained almost entirely unknown. When it was published in serial form in 1905, it was a full third longer than the censored, commercial edition published in book form the following year. That expurgated commercial edition edited out much …

Oil! é um romance de Upton Sinclair publicado em 1927, narrado em terceira pessoa. O livro foi escrito no contexto do Escândalo de Teapot Dome da administração de Warren G. Harding, 29º presidente dos Estados Unidos, e se passa na Califórnia do Sul. É uma sátira social e política desenvolvida através das fraquezas de …

The Flivver King: A Story of Ford-America is a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1937, that tells the intertwined stories of Henry Ford and a fictional Ford worker Abner Shutt.

Lanny Budd infiltrates the Nazi high command in the riveting sixth chapter of Upton Sinclair’s Pulitzer Prize–winning series of historical novels Dashing and well-connected, Lanny Budd has earned the trust of the Nazi high command. To Adolf Hitler and his inner circle, the American art dealer is a “true believer” …

King Coal is a 1917 novel by Upton Sinclair that describes the poor working conditions in the coal mining industry in the western United States during the 1910s, from the perspective of a single protagonist, Hal Warner. As in his earlier work, The Jungle, Sinclair uses the novel to express his socialist viewpoint. The …