image of Aprilynne Pike

Aprilynne Pike

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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Aprilynne Pike comes a truly original new novel—Breaking Bad meets Marie Antoinette in a near-future world where the residents of Versailles live like it’s the eighteenth century and an almost-queen turns to drug dealing to save her own life. Outside the palace of Versailles, …

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On the first day of Laurel's senior year there are two new arrivals. Tamani - the electrifying faerie with whom she shares an undeniable connection - appears, posing as a foreign exchange student. And even more disturbing is another foreign exchange student named Yuki whom Laurel quickly realises is a faerie.

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Breaking Bad meets Marie Antoinette in a near-future world where the residents of Versailles live like it's the 1700s--this sequel to Glitter by #1 New York Times bestselling author Aprilynne Pike will leave readers shocked!Danica planned to use beauty, blackmail, and a glittering drug to control her own fate. Her …

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Spells is a fantasy novel by author Aprilynne Pike. It is the sequel to Pike's #1 New York Times best-selling debut, Wings, which introduced readers to Laurel Sewell, a faerie sent among humans to guard the gateway to Avalon. Spells was released in the United States on May 4, 2010, and debuted on the New York Times …

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כנפיים הוא ספר אשר נכתב על ידי הסופרת אפרילין פייק ויצא לאור באנגלית בשנת 2009. ספר זה הוא הראשון מבין ארבעה ספרים בסדרת נוער אשר תורגמה לעברית על ידי יעל ענבר. הספר יצא לאור בישראל בשנת 2011 על ידי הוצאת מטר. הספר בגרסתו האנגלית עמד בראש רשימת רבי המכר של הניו יורק טיימס שבוע לאחר שיצא לאור‏ עד מהרה הפך לרב מכר …