«Острова́ в океа́не» — роман Эрнеста Хемингуэя, написанный в 1950—1951 годах, отредактированный и опубликованный его вдовой Мэри Вэлш Хемингуэй уже после его смерти в 1970 году.

«Смерть после полудня» — эссе Эрнеста Хемингуэя, вышедшее в 1932 году. Повествует о традициях испанской корриды.

«За рекой в тени деревьев» — роман Эрнеста Хемингуэя, вышедший в 1950 году. В книге рассказывается о последних днях жизни и последней любви полковника Ричарда Кантуэлла. Как и многие другие произведения писателя, «За рекой в тени деревьев» включает в себя множество автобиографичных вставок и …

«Зелёные холмы Африки» — автобиографичная повесть Эрнеста Хемингуэя, вышедшая в 1935 году. Повествует об охоте писателя и его жены в африканских саваннах.

The Nick Adams Stories is a volume of short stories written by Ernest Hemingway published in 1972, a decade after the author's death. In the volume, all the stories featuring Nick Adams, published in various collections during Hemingway's lifetime, are compiled in a single collection. The Nick Adams Stories includes …

Men Without Women is the second collection of short stories written by American author Ernest Hemingway. The volume consists of fourteen stories, ten of which had been previously published in magazines. The story subjects include bullfighting, infidelity, divorce, and death. "The Killers", "Hills Like White …

True at First Light is a book by American novelist Ernest Hemingway about his 1953–54 East African safari with his fourth wife Mary, released posthumously in his centennial year in 1999. The book received mostly negative or lukewarm reviews from the popular press and sparked a literary controversy regarding how, and …

An early gem from the greatest American writer of the twentieth century First published in 1926, The Torrents of Spring is a hilarious parody of the Chicago school of literature. Poking fun at that "great race" of writers, it depicts a vogue that Hemingway himself refused to follow. In style and substance, The …

The Dangerous Summer is a nonfiction book by Ernest Hemingway published posthumously in 1985 and written in 1959 and 1960. The book describes the rivalry between bullfighters Luis Miguel Dominguín and his brother-in-law, Antonio Ordóñez, during the "dangerous summer" of 1959. It has been cited as Hemingway's last …