The Infinity Concerto is a 1984 fantasy novel written by Greg Bear. The plot centers around teenager Michael Perrin's search for what is a Song of Power and why some think he can create such a thing. Transported to another realm, he discovers beings known as "the "Sidhe" intervened in Coleridge's incomplete poem, …

The first novel to be released in The Foreworld Saga, The Mongoliad: Book One, is an epic-within-an-epic, taking place in 13th century. In it, a small band of warriors and mystics raise their swords to save Europe from a bloodthirsty Mongol invasion. Inspired by their leader (an elder of an order of warrior monks), …

Serpent Mage published in 1986, it is the second in a two book fantasy series written by Greg Bear. It is the sequel to The Infinity Concerto.

The Wind from a Burning Woman is a collection of science fiction stories by author Greg Bear. It was released in 1983 and was the author's first hardcover book. It was published by Arkham House in an edition of 3,046 copies. The book is unusual among Arkham House publications in that a signed 'state' exists. Bear …