image of 西蒙·波娃


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《第二性》是一部关于存在主义和女性主义的散文,在作者西蒙·波娃41岁时,1949年创作并出版。整部作品分为上下两卷,被公认为是一部哲学著作。波伏娃选择从存在主义角度出发展开论述。也正因如此,她的这部作品不仅仅是简单地论述了妇女在二战之后的状况,总的来说,这是一部哲学作品,从文学、历史、社会学、生物学和医学多方面进行丰富地举例和分析。整部作品通篇所想传达的理念是没有一个女人的命运是计划好的。排除人类的决定论,对于女性弱势这一事实以及导致这一事实的与生俱来的原因这两点,波伏娃在作品中都加以关注和论述。对于这个问题,存在主义暗示了整个人类的责任:波伏娃不仅控诉男人对于女人的歧视、卑鄙甚至有时残忍的所作所为,同时也指出了女人对于自己弱势地位 …

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A superb autobiography by one of the great literary figures of the twentieth century, Simone de Beauvoir's Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter offers an intimate picture of growing up in a bourgeois French family, rebelling as an adolescent against the conventional expectations of her class, and striking out on her own with …

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The Mandarins is a 1954 roman à clef by Simone de Beauvoir. Beauvoir was awarded the Prix Goncourt prize in 1954 for The Mandarins. It was first published in English in 1956. The book follows the personal lives of a close-knit group of French intellectuals from the end of World War II to the mid fifties. The title …

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The woman destroyed is a 1967 book written by Simone de Beauvoir.

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She Came to Stay is a novel written by French author Simone de Beauvoir first published in 1943. The novel is a fictional account of her and Jean-Paul Sartre's relationship with Olga Kosakiewicz and Wanda Kosakiewicz.

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A very easy death is a 1964 book written by Simone de Beauvoir.

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All Men are Mortal is a 1946 novel by Simone de Beauvoir. It tells the story of Raimon Fosca, a man cursed to live forever. The first American edition of this work was published by The World Publishing Company. Cleveland and New York, 1955. It was adapted into a 1995 film.

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The Blood of Others is a novel by the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir first published in 1945 and depicting the lives of several characters in Paris leading up to and during the Second World War. The novel explores themes of freedom and responsibility.

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The Ethics of Ambiguity is Simone de Beauvoir's second major non-fiction work. It was prompted by a lecture she gave in 1945, after which she claimed that it was impossible to base an ethical system on her partner Jean-Paul Sartre's major philosophical work Being and Nothingness. The following year, over a six-month …

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The orime of life is a 1960 book written by Simone de Beauvoir.