image of אורסון סקוט קארד

אורסון סקוט קארד

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[Audio CASSETTE Library Edition in vinyl case][Read by Stephen Hoye, Stefan Rudnicki, Scott Brick] In this thrilling sequel to Seventh Son, Alvin Maker is awakening to many mysteries: his own strange powers, the magic of the American frontier, and the special virtues of its chosen people, the Native Americans. Alvin …

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Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus is the first science fiction novel in a proposed Pastwatch series by Orson Scott Card. The book's focus is the life and activities of explorer, Christopher Columbus. Much of the action deals with a group of scientists from the future who travel back to the 15th century …

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אנדר בגלות הוא ספר מסוגת המדע הבדיוני מאת אורסון סקוט קארד שיצא לאור בשנת 2008. הספר הוא החמישי שיוצא בסאגת אנדר אך עלילתו מתרחשת בין הספר הראשון, המשחק של אנדר, לבין קול למתים ובמקביל לעלילת שלושת ספרי ההמשך לספר הצל של …

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Alvin is a Maker, the first to be born in a century.Now a grown man and a journeyman smith, Alvin has returned to his family in the town of Vigor Church. He will share in their isolation, work as a blacksmith, and try to teach anyone who wishes to learn the knack of being a Maker. For Alvin has had a vision of the …

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The Memory of Earth is the first book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The award-winning Homecoming saga is a loose sci-fi fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

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First Meetings is a collection of Orson Scott Card's short stories from the Ender's Game series. Tor Books republished the book in 2003 under the titles First Meetings in the Enderverse and First Meetings in Ender's Universe and included the more recent "Teacher's Pest", a story about the first meeting of Ender's …

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Songmaster is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. The story of the Songmaster occurs in a future human empire, and follows Ansset, a beautiful young boy whose perfect singing voice has the power of amplifying people's emotions, making him both a potential healer and destroyer. He is trained in the art of …

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Alvin's wife Peggy makes a perilous journey to Charleston to visit the exiled king of England to plead for an end to the madness between the free nations and slave nations of North America, while Alvin journeys north to Salem, Massachusetts, to confront a legacy of witchcraft.

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The Worthing Saga is a science fiction book by American writer Orson Scott Card, set in the Worthing series. It is made up of the novel The Worthing Chronicle and nine related stories. Six of the stories are from Card’s short story collection Capitol and the other three are early works, two of them previously …

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The Call of Earth is the second book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.