Atlas Shrugged é um livro de ficção da autora e filósofa Ayn Rand publicado em 1957 e que contém elementos de mistério e ficção científica. Lançado no Brasil como Quem É John Galt? em 1987, relançado em 2010 como A Revolta de Atlas. O quarto e último romance de Ayn Rand, considerado por muitos sua principal obra. …

A Nascente é uma obra da escritora russo-americana Ayn Rand, publicada em 1943. Mais de 6 milhões de cópias foram vendidas no mundo inteiro. A protagonista da obra, é o jovem arquiteto Howard Roark, que não aceita submeter o seu trabalho às convenções do meio. O livro deu origem ao filme homônimo, em português foi …

Anthem is Ayn Rand?s classic tale of a dark future age of the great "We"?a world that deprives individuals of name, independence, and values. Written a full decade before George Orwell's "1984," this dystopian novel depicts a man who seeks escape from a society in which individuality has been utterly destroyed. Rand …

We the Living is the debut novel of the Russian-American novelist Ayn Rand. It is a story of life in post-revolutionary Russia and was Rand's first statement against communism. Rand observes in the foreword that We the Living was the closest she would ever come to writing an autobiography. Rand finished writing the …

The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism é uma coleção de ensaios publicada em 1964 por Ayn Rand e Nathaniel Branden. A maioria dos ensaios fizeram parte da The Objectivist Newsletter, exceto "The Objectivist Ethics", que foi um paper que Rand entregou à Universidade de Wisconsin durante um simpósio sobre a …

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal is a collection of essays, mostly by Ayn Rand, with additional essays by her associates Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, and Robert Hessen. The book focuses on the moral nature of laissez-faire capitalism and private property. The book has a very specific definition of capitalism, a …

For the New Intellectual: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand is a 1961 work by Ayn Rand, her first long non-fiction book. Much of the material consists of excerpts from Rand's novels, supplemented by a long title essay that focuses on the history of philosophy.

The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature is a non-fiction work by Ayn Rand, a collection of essays regarding the nature of art. It was first published in 1969, with a second, revised edition published in 1975.

Philosophy: Who Needs It is a posthumous collection of essays by Ayn Rand, published in 1982, that deal with philosophy. It was the last book Rand worked on during her lifetime.

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology is a work of philosophy by Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff, which Rand considered her philosophical treatise. First published in its combined form in 1979, the majority of the book is Rand's summation of the Objectivist theory of concepts and solution to the problem of universals. …