The Clockwork Testament is a novella by the British author Anthony Burgess. It is the third of Burgess' four Enderby novels and was first published in 1974 by Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Publishers. It is usually subtitled Enderby's End, as it was originally intended to be the last book in the Enderby series. However, a …

Shakespeare, a biographical and critical study of William Shakespeare by Anthony Burgess, was published in 1970. ISBN 0-7867-0972-3.

Arguing that "the appearance of difficulty is part of Joyce's big joke," Burgess provides a readable, accessible guide to the writings of James Joyce.

With film rights acquired by Francis Ford Coppola, this comic novel of instant riches is back in stock. From the author of A Clockwork Orange, One Hand Clapping is a comedy of game shows and greed, high stakes and the high life. The tragi-comedy of used car salesman Howard Shirley, his photographic brain, and the …