Inside Mr Enderby is the first volume of the Enderby series, a quartet of comic novels by the British author Anthony Burgess. The book was first published in 1963 in London by William Heinemann under the pseudonym Joseph Kell. The series began with the publication in 1963 of Inside Mr. Enderby, continued in 1968 with …

In Earthly Powers Burgess created his masterpiece. At its center are two twentieth-century men who represent different kinds of power—Kenneth Toomey, a past-his-prime author of mediocre fiction, a man who has outlived his contemporaries to survive into, bitter, luxurious old age, living in self-exile on Malta; and Don …

Who, I ask you, wants to drag his bones out of the earth, reclothed in flesh which, in some foul magic of reversal, is regurgitated by the worms, in order that his eyes may see God? Who, I ask you, wants to live for ever? Sadoc son of Azor, a retired shipping clerk lying diseased and dying on the outreaches of the …

The Devil's Mode is the only collection of short stories by the English author Anthony Burgess. The stories included are varied in their settings and themes and display Burgess's characteristic wide range, while touching on such themes as the private life of Shakespeare, which he speculated on in his novel Nothing …

Le Testament de l'orange est un roman d'Anthony Burgess paru en 1973 puis traduit en français par Georges Belmont et Hortense Chabrier en 1975. Le caractère choquant et provocateur du film Orange mécanique de Stanley Kubrick ne manqua pas de susciter des réactions hostiles lors de sa sortie, même si par ailleurs …

Edwin Spindrift, linguiste, docteur – il y tient ! – en philosophie, quitte précipitamment l'Asie pour un service neurologique à Londres. Là, le personnel l'instrumentalise ; son voisin de lit égrène d'extraordinaires résultats de football et les cuisines servent du "ragoût de cervelle". Pis, sa femme, Sheila, espace …