image of John Boyne

John Boyne

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El noi del pijama de ratlles és una novel·la de l'autor irlandès John Boyne, publicada el 2006. El 2007 aparegué la traducció catalana a càrrec de Jordi Cussà a l'Editorial Empúries, essent la primera novel·la d'aquest autor traduïda al català i que des de llavors ha tingut un notable èxit de vendes. El 2008 Mark …

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The next work of historical fiction from the author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, John Boyne's Stay Where You Are and Then Leave is a touching look at the effects war has on a family. The day the First World War broke out, Alfie Summerfield's father promised he wouldn't go away to fight—but he broke that promise …

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When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, …

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