Робинзон Крусо роман је Данијела Дефоа, први пут објављен 1719. године. Овај роман је прича о доживљајима лика по коме роман носи назив, енглеског бродоломника који је провео 20 година на далеком тропском острву, на којем је доживео разне авантуре пре него што су га коначно спасили. Занимљиво је Робинзоново сналажење …

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. Just as in its significantly more popular predecessor, Robinson Crusoe, the first edition credits the work's fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author. It was published under the considerably longer original title: …

A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain is an account of his travels by English author Daniel Defoe, first published in three volumes between 1724 and 1727. Other than Robinson Crusoe, Tour was Defoe's most popular and financially successful work during the eighteenth century. Pat in Defoe’s use of the …

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. Just as in its significantly more popular predecessor, Robinson Crusoe, the first edition credits the work's fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author. It was published under the considerably longer original title: …