image of Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson

... Unknown

GONZO: Photographs By Hunter S. Thompson is a limited-edition 224 page visual biography of photographs taken by, or of, Hunter S. Thompson, published in late 2006 by AMMO Books. Thompson's snapshots were a combination of the subjects he was covering, stylized self-portraits, and artistic still life photos. The London …

... Unknown

Hell’s Angels – Vad rege az Angyalokról Hunter S. Thompson legjelentősebb tudósítása a vad, törvényen kívüli Pokol Angyalai motoros bandában eltöltött éveiről.

... Unknown

Hunter S. Thompson was so outside the box, a new word was invented just to define him: Gonzo. He was a journalist who mocked all the rules, a hell-bent fellow who loved to stomp on his own accelerator, the writer every other writer tried to imitate. In these brutally candid and very funny interviews that range across …