《少年維特的煩惱》是第一部讓歌德在德國幾乎一夜成名的小說。本書於1774年秋天在萊比錫書籍展覽會上面世,並在那裡成了暢銷書。它是歌德作品中被他的同時代人閱讀得最多的一本。由此而來的成功給歌德的一生帶來了名譽和財富。《少年維特的煩惱》的初版屬於狂飆突進運動的風格,而修訂版是魏瑪的古典主義時期的代表作品。小說中的主人公——他的行為僅僅取決於他的感覺——是感傷主義的代表性人物。 …

Goethe's most complex and profound work, Faust was the effort of the great poet's entire lifetime. Written over 60 years, it can be read as a document of Goethe's moral and artistic development. Faust is made available to the English reader in a completely new translation that communicates both its poetic variety and …

《亲和力》,是歌德的小说,篇幅不大,常与《少年维特之烦恼》并成一本。 主要情节是女主人公爱上了婚姻貌合神离的姨丈。他们痛苦地彼此相爱,后被妻子发现。这时妻子也有了自己的意中人,但夫妻双方都还只是精神上的出轨而已。在婚姻即将结束的关口,一次聚会让分居已久的夫妻二人在酒醉中想象着彼此情人的模样而结合。妻子竟因此怀孕,丈夫不得不打消离婚的念头并外出以缓解愁苦的心境。 …

The second part of Goethe's masterpiece opens with Faust struggling to recover from the death of his beloved Gretchen. The quick-witted demon Mephistopheles soon persuades him to look beyond his sorrow and enter the world of politics and power, but the great scholar is still eager for new sensations, and asks …