North is a 1960 novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline. The story is based on Céline's escape from France to Denmark after the invasion of Normandy, after he had been associated with the Vichy regime. It is the second published part, although chronologically the first, in a trilogy about these experiences; …
Podróż do kresu nocy – debiutancka powieść Louisa-Ferdinanda Céline'a, która ukazała się w roku 1932. Niedługo po wydaniu została zgłoszona do Nagrody Goncourtów. Otrzymała Nagrodę Renaudot stanowiącą odznaczenie jury dziennikarzy. Współcześnie określana jako jedna z najważniejszych powieści XX wieku. Zaraz po …
Rigadoon is a novel by the French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline, published posthumously in 1969. The story is based on Céline's escape from France to Denmark after the invasion of Normandy, after he had been associated with the Vichy regime. It is the third part in a trilogy about these experiences; it was preceded by …