The bestselling classic that redefined our view of the relationship between beauty and female identity. In today's world, women have more power, legal recognition, and professional success than ever before. Alongside the evident progress of the women's movement, however, writer and journalist Naomi Wolf is troubled by …

In this provocative and highly personal book, bestselling author Naomi Wolf explores a subject that has long been taboo in our society: women's sexual coming-of-age. Promiscuities brazenly exposes the truths behind the conflicting messages directed at young women during and after the sexual revolution. Drawing on …

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot is a 2007 non-fiction book by author Naomi Wolf, published by Chelsea Green Publishing of White River Junction, Vermont. The book argues that events of the early 2000s paralleled steps taken in the early years of the twentieth century's worst dictatorships and …