A Briefer History of Time is a popular-science book published in 2005 from the English physicist Stephen Hawking and the American physicist Leonard Mlodinow. It is an update and rewrite of Hawking's 1988 A Brief History of Time. In this book Hawking and Mlodinow present quantum mechanics, string theory, the big bang …
Visums rieksta čaumalā ir Stīvena Hokinga grāmata, kas iznāca 2001. gadā, kurā autors skaidro principus, kas pārvalda mūsu pasauli, un aizved lasītājus līdz pat teorētiskās fizikas robežām. Viņš iepazīstina lasītājus ar saviem pētījumiem, atklājot sarežģītos Visuma noslēpumus. Grāmatā īpaša uzmanība veltīta A. …
Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece by one of the world's greatest thinkers. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to …