image of Poul Anderson

Poul Anderson

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Operațiunea Haos este un roman science fiction și fantasy scris de Poul Anderson, bazat pe o istorie alternativă a Pământului, care în acest volum este numit Midgard. Romanul este format dintr-o serie de povestiri scrise anterior de Anderson și publicate în The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, revizuite și …

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Earthman's Burden is a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson. It was first published by Gnome Press in 1957. The story "Don Jones" was original to this collection. The other stories originally appeared in the magazines Other Worlds, Universe and Fantasy and Science …

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A Midsummer Tempest is an 1974 alternative history fantasy novel by Poul Anderson. In 1975, it was nominated for the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel and the Nebula Award for Best Novel and won the Mythopoeic Award.

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Coridoarele timpului este un roman științifico-fantastic al scriitorului Poul Anderson. Deși titlul sugerează o legătură cu celebra serie a acestuia Patrula timpului, romanul nu face parte din aceasta și tratează problematica temporală dintr-o altă perspectivă.

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Hoka! is a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson. It was first published by Wallaby in 1983. The stories originally appeared in the magazines Fantasy and Science Fiction and Analog Science Fiction and Fact.