Ultima licornă este un roman fantasy scris de Peter S. Beagle. El prezintă povestea unui unicorn care crede că este ultimul din neamul său și pleacă să descopere ce s-a întâmplat cu ceilalți. Cartea s-a vândut în peste cinci milioane de exemplare la nivel mondial de la publicarea sa, fiind tradusă în mai bine de 30 de …
A Fine and Private Place is a fantasy novel written by Peter S. Beagle, the first of his major fantasies. It was first published in hardcover by Viking Press on May 23, 1960, followed by a trade paperback from Delta the same year. Frederick Muller Ltd. published the first United Kingdom hardcover in 1960, and a …
Tamsin is a 1999 fantasy novel by Peter S. Beagle. It won a Mythopoeic Award in 2000 for adult literature.
In this Locus Award-winning novel, young Tikat enters a shadow world of magic and mystery as he searches for the lover whose death and resurrection he witnessed. It's a wild ride that sets him on the trail of three cloaked women who are on a mission of their own. "A beautifully written tale of love and loss, set in a …