image of Артур Кларк

Артур Кларк

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Of Time and Stars is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications including the periodicals Dude, The Evening Standard, Lilliput, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Future, New Worlds, Startling Stories, …

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«Прелюдія до космосу» — науково-фантастичний роман Артура Кларка, написаний в 1947 році. Вперше був опублікований в 1951 році на сторінках журналу Galaxy Science Fiction. Британські читачі отримали окреме видання в 1953 році, на наступний рік у США роман вийшов у твердій палітурці від видавництва «Gnome Press» і в …

... Unknown

Beyond the Fall of Night is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gregory Benford. The first part of Beyond the Fall of Night is a reprint of Clarke’s famous Against the Fall of Night while the second half is a "sequel" by Gregory Benford which takes place many years later. This book is unrelated to The City and the Stars …

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Tales of Ten Worlds is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.

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Dolphin Island: A Story of the People of the Sea is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke first published in 1963.

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Richter 10 is a 1996 novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Mike McQuay. The protagonist is Lewis Crane, who develops a hatred of earthquakes due to a major earthquake hitting his house when he is seven years old, killing his parents. The book's title is a reference to the Richter scale, on which 10 was considered to be the …

... Unknown

Glide Path is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke, published in 1963. Clarke's only non-science fiction novel, it is set during World War II, and tells a fictionalized version of the development of the radar-based ground-controlled approach aircraft landing system, and includes a character modeled on Luis Alvarez, who …