"Kümme väikest neegrit" on Agatha Christie 1939. aastal ilmunud kriminaalromaan. Raamatu sündmustik ja olustik on inspireeritud väikesest Burghi saarest. Teos avaldati Suurbritannias pealkirjaga "Ten Little Niggers", mis on pärit samanimelise lastelaulu pealkirjast. Poliitilise korrektsuse huvides kandis Ameerika …

"Mõrv Idaekspressis" on Agatha Christie 1934. aastal avaldatud kriminaalromaan, milles astub üles Hercule Poirot. 1935. aasta talvel alustab Süüriast naasnud Poirot İstanbulist teekonda Idaekspressiga koju. Peale Belgradi mägede vahel jääb rong lumevang. Selle seisaku ajal tapetakse suurärimees Ratchett. Mõrva …

"Roger Ackroydi mõrvamine" on Agatha Christie 1926. aastal avaldatud kriminaalromaan, milles astub üles Hercule Poirot. 1990. aastal avaldatud edetabeli "The Top 100 Crime Novels of All Time" tulemuste põhjal on teos viiendal kohal. Viis aastat hiljem ilmunud nimekirjas "The Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time …

Hercule Poirot is perhaps Agatha Christie's most interesting and endearing character; short, round, and slightly comical, Poirot has a razor-sharp mind and puts unlimited trust in his "little grey cells." Those little cells come through for him every time, enabling Poirot to solve some of the most baffling mysteries …

"Saladuslik juhtum Stylesis" on Agatha Christie 1920. aastal avaldatud kriminaalromaan, milles astuvad üles Hercule Poirot, Arthur Hastings ja inspektor Japp. Christie alustas oma esikteose kirjutamist 1916. aastal ning oktoobris 1920 avaldas kirjastaja John Lane kriminaalromaani Ameerika Ühendriikides. Suurbritannia …

Agatha Christie’s beloved classic The A.B.C. Murders sets Hercule Poirot on the trail of a serial killer.There’s a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic.A is for Mrs. Ascher in Andover, B is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, C is for Sir Carmichael …

The Body in the Library is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie and first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in February 1942 and in UK by the Collins Crime Club in May of the same year. The US edition retailed at $2.00 and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence. The novel features her …

Murder at the Vicarage marks the debut of Agatha Christie’s unflappable and much beloved female detective, Miss Jane Marple. With her gift for sniffing out the malevolent side of human nature, Miss Marple is led on her first case to a crime scene at the local vicarage. Colonel Protheroe, the magistrate whom everyone …

Elspeth McGillicuddy was not a woman usually given to hallucinations. But when she witnesses what appears to be a woman being strangled on a train and no-one else sees it, no-one reports it and no corpse is found she turns to her old friend Jane Marple to help solve the puzzle. Marple asks her highly efficient and …

Cards on the Table is a detective novel by Agatha Christie and first published in the UK by the Collins Crime Club on 2 November 1936 and in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company the following year. The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence and the US edition at $2.00. The book features the recurring …