image of 奥斯卡·王尔德


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The Duchess of Padua is a play by Oscar Wilde. It is a five-act melodramatic tragedy set in Padua and written in blank verse. It was written for the actress Mary Anderson in early 1883 while in Paris. After she turned it down, it was abandoned until its first performance at the Broadway Theatre in New York under the …

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《快乐王子与其他故事》是爱尔兰作家王尔德的英文儿童故事集。著名中译本为巴金所译。书中所载之最著名者属《快乐王子》。 故事集中包含的故事有: 〈快乐王子〉 〈夜莺与玫瑰〉 〈自私的巨人〉 〈忠实的朋友〉 〈非凡的炮竹〉

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